Exercise 2. A Repeated Journey
Part 1 - You should plan and undertake the same 2 km journey a number of different times using different means of locomotion.
Begin by walking your route.
Then take the same journey again but this time you must not walk – this time you can run, cycle, scooter, or take a bus, tram or car.
How does the same journey differ when undertaken at different speeds and by different means of locomotion?
- You must now take this route again but this time experiment with different ways of recording each distinct journey and each means of locomotion.
Keep repeating these journeys in order that you test at least 3 different approaches to recording for each form of locomotion.
Approaches could include:
- Drawing
- Photography
- Video
- Text
- Collecting objects found on your journey e.g. tickets, leaflets, packaging, abandoned objects
Attempt to record everyday details that are often overlooked, such as:
- Repeated motifs
- Textured and patterned surfaces
- Typography and signage
- Colours
- Architectural details
- Sounds
Lighting – the time of day, going in and out of tunnels, the weather
- Time and movement
Consider viewpoint — the angle that you make a drawing, photograph or video from.
Part 2
The information that you have gathered on these repeated journeys is primary research.
You must now process this research to develop a final outcome that presents the similarities and the differences of journeying the same route by different means of locomotion.
Experiment with a range of different formats in order to determine the most appropriate visual solution. This could include:
- One large single ground (piece on paper, textile or a combination) that includes multiple images that somehow contrast the different journeys.
- An edited video
- A series of images, this may be in a line, a book or an animation.
- A book /zine – consider size and how is it folded.
- An edited soundscape.